The Lady Amélie Jakobovits Campus

Science Year 8

Science Year 8

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Topic 1: Heat Transfers

-          heat vs temperature

o   assign assessment

-          conduction (practical)

-          convection (demo)

-          radiation


Topic 2: Molecules and Mixtures

-          atoms and molecules

-          periodic table

-          solutions (practical)

-          mixtures

-          separation techniques (practical)

-          chromatography (practical)


Topic 3: Food and Digestion

-          digestive system

o   assign assessment

-          balanced diet

-          food test (practical)

-          deficiency diseases


 Topic 4: Body Systems

-          Respiratory System

-          Circulatory System

-          Respiration

-          Exercise (practical)

-          Skeletal System


Topic 5: Electricity

-          circuits

o   assign assessment

-          models

-          series circuits (practical)

-          parallel circuits (practical)

-          current and resistance

-          safety


Topic 6: Magnetism

-          magnets (practical)

-          magnetic fields (practical)

-          electromagnets (practical)

Topic 7: Microbes and Disease

-          microbes

-          defence against disease

o   assign assessment

-          preventing and treating disease (practical)


Topic 8: Waves

-          types of waves

-          light and reflection (practical)

-          refraction (practical)

-          colours

-          sound


Topic 9: Ecology

-          habitats and adaptations

-          food webs and pyramids

-          human impacts

-          variation and classification






·         Heat in the Kitchen project

·         Topic 1 and 2 Exam

·         Journey of a Cheese Sandwich project


·         Topic 3 and 4 Exam

·         How Does a Torch Work project

·         Topic 5 and 6 Exam


·         Dodgy Barbeque project

·         End of Year exam


How we assess students’ understanding in the classroom:

  • Projects are level assessed tasks that students do for homework that allows them a chance to demonstrate their understanding on a topic in the context of a real world example.
  • Students have a written exam after every two topics completed.
  • Students are also assessed regularly with in class or homework tasks that assess the following skills: practical work, extended scientific writing, and graphing.


How we support learning:

  • Science specific skills tasks progress in difficulty allowing students to consistently make progress over time until they are able to complete tasks (like drawing a graph) independently.
  • Level assessed projects have a level ladder so students are able to access the task at a level that is appropriate for them.
  • Students are given ample lesson time and are encouraged to ask questions as curiosity is an important aspect of science.


How parents can support learning:

  • Help students to be organised and come prepared to lessons with the right equipment (pen, pencil, ruler, calculator, file).
  • Encourage students to be curious about the world around them and point out when science appears in the news.