Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education helps students to develop the understanding and skills to live confident, productive, healthy and independent lives. We provide PSHE education formally through scheduled timetabled lessons (form time), informally through our extra-curricular department and additional out-of lesson activities and speakers. In addition, many of the themes are emphasised throughout the Kodesh curriculum.
The programme includes a focus on our students maintaining a physically and emotionally healthy and active lifestyle and they are signposted to additional opportunities. Our curriculum (particularly Kodesh and PSHE/form time) includes developing a culturally appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and respect for all.
Many aspects of our lives now have an online element, and young people need to be prepared for the risks that this involves, so that they can navigate their experiences safely. This preparation is incorporated within our ICT curriculum and supported by outside speakers and whole school activities.
The school recognises the importance of quality RSE to prepare young people for a happy and successful future. Our RSE curriculum is based on the DfE guidelines noting that ‘content must be age appropriate and developmentally appropriate’. It is taught sensitively and inclusively with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of our students and parents. Our curriculum takes into account the school ethos, demographic profile, lifestyles, risks and challenges faced by students.
The PSHE curriculum is built around the PSHE Association’s three core themes:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the Wider World