The Lady Amélie Jakobovits Campus

Halocho Year 9



  • To enable the students to learn the following areas of Halocho in depth:
  1. Hilchos Basar b’Chalav – building on work from year 7
  2. Hilchos Tevilas Keilim
  3. Hilchos Brochos
  4. Hilchos Yom Tov
  • To develop students understanding of halachic concepts and application to real-life situations.





Yom Tov – Review of Basic Halochos and additional Halochos (5)

  • Rosh Hashana
  • Yom Kippur
  • Chanuka

Hilchos Tevilas Keilim (3-4)

  • Background to the mitzvah, basic overview
  • Which keilim needed tevilah
  • Performing the Tevilah


Hilchos Seuda (3)

·       Netilas Yodayim for seuda

·       Bread and Mezonos

·       Brachos on food during meals

Hilchos Brochos (2-3)

  • Ikar v’Tofel
  • When food changes form
  • Birkas Hamozon


Meat and Milk (4)

  • General Outline
  • Separation and Milk and Meat
  • Waiting between Meat and Milk
  • Knives, Ovens and other Shaalos


Yom Tov – Review of Basic Halochos and additional Halochos (6)

·       Purim

·       Pesach

·       Sefiras Haomer / Dinei Aveilus during the Omer

·       Shavuos

The Three Weeks  and Tisha B’Av  (1-2)

More in-depth halochos

Shabbos (7)

  • M’leches Koseiv
  • M’leches Mochek
  • M’leches Melabein
  • M’leches Mavir
  • Hachono (if time)
  • Schar Shabbos (if time)


Questions and answer sessions on varied topics (3)


Worksheets. Test before Winter break. End of year examination