The Lady Amélie Jakobovits Campus

Chumash Year 10

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

בראשית פרקים י''ט-כ

בראשית פרקים כ''א-כ''ב

בראשית פרקים כ''ג-כ''ד




  • Regular spot tests
  • Test on completion of each פרק
  • End of year exam
  • Regular spot tests
  • Test on completion of each פרק
  • End of year exam
  • Regular spot tests
  • Test on completion of each פרק
  • End of year exam


How we assess students’ understanding in the classroom:

  • Regular questioning and choosing students at random to answer
  •  Regular written spot tests
  • Observation of students’ behaviour and demeanour during the lessons

How we support learning:

  • Teachers are approachable and make themselves available to support individual students with specific strategies and words of encouragement
  • SEND input
  • Differentiation in the classroom
  • Use of IT

How parents can support learning:

  • Revision over material taught